On the moon Europa, a lush terraformed paradise in Jupiter’s shadow, an android named Zee sets out in search of answers. Run, glide and fly...
Wheelz2 – now in early access on steam
The core idea behind Wheelz2 is the same as Wheelz1 – get to the finish. It’s still in early access, but has functioning multi-player (mostly...
Represent.me, and various other things
As many people reading this are probably aware – VoteFlow is on hold indefinitely. Because I am working on Represent.me with Ed Dowding – similar enough for...
Mesh Democracy – A new direction: Agora
Mesh Democracy Lives! You can visit the Agora at http://meshdemocracy.org/ It is still rather rough round the edges – but you can navigate/alter a tree...
Mesh Democracy Progress Update
A Screen shot of a proposal in List with “Sankey Vote Tree” and “Force Directed Representation Graph”: The Sankey Vote graph now looks nicer than...